Ivan Getmanenko

Иван Гетьманенко

Senior partner

Ivan Getmanenko is a senior partner of Che Group, an international legal group of companies. He has been practicing law for over 10 years.

Field of activity:

The main field of activity - collaborations, partnerships and communications. Ivan specializes in developing image events, publishing activities in the media, advising on intellectual property protection, structuring various complex contractual relationships for the creation of intellectual property objects for IT companies, their alienation and subsequent distribution, advising on the regulation and launch of various media services, including issues of personal data protection.
Ivan has extensive experience in advising international projects and working for major consulting firms in the cryptocurrency regulatory area.

Education and work experience:

  • In 2010 graduated from I. Kant Russian State University, qualification Jurist, specialty Jurisprudence;
  • He holds numerous certificates of success in legal courses;
  • Accredited by the Ministry of Justice of Russia as an independent expert authorized to conduct anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and draft normative legal acts;
  • From 2006 to 2020 - service in the enforcement authorities, including senior management positions;
  • From 2020 to the present time - lawyer, human rights activist.